if you want to be happy, be.

Friday 7 May 2010


my world-class procrastination skill have been on display again this week, for anyone who wants to see such talent :D i have a report on mouthguards due next thursday, annnnd my plan was to be a super nerd and finish it by today. what a joke. ive barely started ahahaa. its 2500 words, so its not even that epic, but still, been procrastinating doing absolutely nothing else productive this whole week :D oh well, not like im super stressed about it yet ahahaha.
anyways, this week has been good otherwise. played badminton on wednesday with my dental ppls :D
the med students had placements on thursday/friday, so a few of our med/dent lectures were cancelled, sooo we got the morning off :D we had two baddy courts, plus a basketball court as well, so was pretty good.. we just rotated around. annd about 20 or so dents turned up which was really really good.
not much else interesting happened..
making acrylic special tray in dtech, its quite fun actually.. we used the light-cured material for the tray, so we got lots of time to mould it etc.. i STILL had bubbles though :S but then so did everyone else so not too bad.
umm what else.oo also cos the med ppls had placements yesterday, the mgc tute was cancelled, which is also today.. soooo my tute today was cancelled.. so i didnt even have to go to uni :D:D so so so so so awesome. i ended up waking up early anyways, and just mucked around this morning.. practiced piano for about an hour which was fun.
currently learning a piano sonata.. beethoven's moonlight sonata, third movement. its so ferocious and intense its kinda scary. but the cool thing is that, about 6 months ago, i remember listening to it and thinking WOW. and then now when i can play the first few pages of it, so it kinda becomes naturalised. i went and watched the same youtube vid last night, and i was literally thinking.. how on earth could i think this was THAT impressive when i first heard it ahaha. i mean, its still impressive when you hear it, i just wasn't as gobsmacked as i was before, now that i can play it. oh well, just goes to show what a little effort can do :)
hmm.. i should garner that effort into my mouthguards assignment ahahahahahaha

okay i think thats all.

-peace out xD

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