as of today, i have been blogging for ONE week!
which is pretty good for me, cause i've made heaps of blogs, but none of them have actually lasted for more than a week. xD soo hopefully this one will last for a long time :)
otherwise, today was gd! had piano lesson in the morning which went alright. my teacher had to go about five mins early so whilst i was waiting for mum to pick me up i got to play on her grand piano which was great fun. she has a steinway which always sounds brilliant and it was nice being able to play it without her 'hawk eyes' watching hahaha. then i went to the shops with shopping, and we bought abox of MI GORENG :D then came home and studied. stoopid chem. andd then i ate lunch... which consisted of left over noodles (see yday's post) and some stuff mum had cooked. i then was gonna study, but decided to play gta:cw instead. i passed it :) well, the main story line atleast. there are still heaps of side missions and stuff but i passed the most important thing haha. annnd once again i will stress> it's a BRILLIANT game.
after that i played the piano for a bit and then i made a mocha to drink with some left over chocolate hot cross buns i found inthe pantry. and then i played the sims 2; made another big mansion hahaha. ill have to post a screen of it some time. probly in tmr's post. and then i ate dinner, and now im sitting here blogging and chatting on msn.
oooh, law and order is on tonight! its only SVU, but any law and order is awesome. ill have to wait till mtr night to watch the original law and order, but still, SVU is better than nothing :P
sinceits so awesome, i decided ill post a pic of the cast. this pic is the cast of SVU not the orignal one, but still they are pretty cool (:
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