well considering it has been 30C+ for the last couple of days, today's rainy weather was greatly appreciated.
i liikkee winter. i have a theory-its easier to warm up than to cool down. which is why i like winter :)
the only good thing about summer in my opinion is the beaching and the social outings and such. but weather wise i prefer cold weather any day. my fav weather is when its freezing cold BUT the sun is shining away. so its actually nice to sit in the sun; unlike in summer where you can feel it burning away at your skin hahaha.
my plan to be a nerd on my study break has failed epically so far.... today went to lunch at my friends house :) then after eating wayy too much ended up playing cards and muckin around... didnt get home till about 430. and then had to do vacuuming and steam mopping and piano prac
and now im sitting here procrastinating instd of studying hahaha. well, it technically is still easter... so i have an excuse :D
but tmr i will be a good boy and study xD...hopefully...unless i get called to some outing haha. but then again, i have plenty of distracitons at home which would deter me from studying even if i was stuck at home.
oooh. im playing gta:chinatown wars right now. i still havent got over the fact that there is an MA15+ game on Nintendo DS> its amazing. and extremely cool imo.
well, basically the game is similar to all the other gta ones... lotsa killing ppls and hijacking sweet cars :)
oh they also have drug trading which is a well good way to make money.. fast.
the game itself is in a sorta hand-drawn cartoony-type city, but the graphics are quite good. and the attention to detail is amazing. seriously, every little thing in the whole city has a sound associated to it. its extremely lifelike... almost like gtaIV. just minus the intensive graphics.. i mean after all. it is just a nintendo DS (:
annd the city itself is based on new york.. so the architecture and monuments are so cool. esp the unisphere. cept it was soo sad when i had to blow it up to kill someone in a missions :( hopefully it will respawn and be nice again :)
but all in all its a BRILLIANT game. i think its probly my fav DS game so far... it knocked FF:revenant wings from the top spot haha.
i attached a pic just cause i like it soo much hahaha

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