super duper stormy! hailstorm and everything! lucky for me, i was safe at home, my arvo lecturer knew it was coming, so sent us all home early, and yea. they had golf-ball sized hailstones and everything :O annd when i went to uni today, it was HELL different, leaves everywhere, winthrop hall's stained glass windows were smashed (some) and yea. luckily my house wasn't too badly hit, only thing that happened to us, was that we didnt have power all last night, and this morning as well. according to mum it came on about 2ish where i live.. so yeah. im just glad that it came back by the time i came home =D even hail wise, we only had normal-sized hail, biggest being about 1cm in diameter MAX. but it rained like hell, our garage almost got flooded, cos the drain pipes in front of it was filling up with water, and yea, luckily nothing too major happened.
in other news, the sunsets were AMAZING :O all the colours and everything were really picture perfect.
annnnddd apart from that, i got my tooth back today! the plasticine one.. i passed xD WOOT actually, everyone in dentistry passed this year =D
umm annnd as you can probably see, i changed my layout.. again. i seriously think something is wrong with me, i mean, no-one usually needs to change their blogger layout as much as i do.. lotsa ppl i know have had the same layout for AGES. i think its more the fact that there ARE options, so i just go on changing my layout. oh well, i currently like this layout, simple, but still nice.
okay i think thats all for now.
-peace out xD
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