so this is the one hundred and fiftieth post, which means im 15% of the way to achieving my life-time blogging goal, of having 1000 posts :D i think, by having 1000+ posts, you can truly say that you are a dedicated blogger. because if you think about it, if you post EVERDAY, then it would still take you just under three years to do; dedication? i think so :P so yes, this post is the 150th, and i reckon itll take me another three four years to get to 1000 hahaha. depends how often i post i suppose.
oo and yesterday, whilst i was cleaning up my desk area and drawers, i came to the sudden realisation that, I DONT HAVE TO DO MATHS ANYMORE!!! =D
not that there is anything wrong with maths, i just prefer to not do it hahaha. well apart from the odd unit or so ill probly come across in dentistry, i wont have to fully focus on maths every again (:
yeah i came across this thought of absolute amazement while i was creating a 'study zone' by getting rid of all the non-essential items from my drawers, annnd i came across my graphics calculators, and a couple of the scientific ones :P so yes! i am rather happy now (:
anyways, apart from being the 150th post, today was also my first day as a dentist-in-the-making. it was pretty good i reckon :D had a couple of lectures, and since i got exemption from one unit (cos of my science stuff i did last year) i didn't have to go for a lab this morning. annd my afternoon lecture was in ohcwa, so picked up some chilliz as we were walking up. the plan was to eat it in our 'oh-so-awesome' common room, but it was kinda packed, so we just ate outside in the verandha =D
but im thinking ill have to start taking packed lunches a couple of days a week, cos chilliz isn't exactly the healthiest option out there, and its soo tempting cos its so cheap hahaha. so yeah! that was the first day of dentistry :)
since it was just introductory stuff today, i knew all the stuff in the lectures so luckily i dont have much revision or study to do, ill just flick through a couple of chapters and then muck around for the rest of the night hahaha.
annnd it was soo cool meeting up with everyone in uni again! hadn't seen a lot of these ppl for 3 months or so, so was really good catching up with them all!
okay i think this is all for now,
ill should be able to post regularly now, since im back in the 'uni routine' lol
-peace out xD
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