after much swapping around, we finally have a new layout! i think ive tried every single layout blogger has, trying to find something good. couldn't be bothered using a 'custom' layout, cos then i have to do all the link editing etc :S
anyhow, managed to find this one and im happy now =D
will have to write a bigger post after, re-capping from when i last posted. but now i gotta clean my room.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
back to uni!
even though its only day three of being back at uni, it feels like we've been there a while, and thats just how i like it :)
dent has been going really good so far, got to go to the common room yesterday, cos it was pretty empty. played ping pong and a bit of pool hahaha. annd we also watched some of the olympics during on tv haha. yesterday we also had our first dtech (introduction to dental technology, dtech for short) lab, which was really good, because we got our first exposure to dental stuff, as opposed to all the textbook work. basically, we were introduced to all our tools, and their names/functions. annd then we had to soften a piece of baseplate wax (about 10cm2) and fold it in half, without trapping any air bubbles. i have a feeling i did mine a bit too quickly, cos i had a couple of air bubbles, but i managed to just heat up one of the instruments, and then melt/resurface the wax around the bubble. annd then we were told how to operate these special types of drills, one of the many id imagine, that we'll be using in dental practice.
today was all lectures, and then after the final lecture, stayed back in the library, because a couple of my friends needed help with some of the lecture content, so i was just helping them. its really cool in our science library, because we have white-board tables, so its well good for explaining stuff :D even though this is slightly strange, i realllly like the idea of just staying back after all the lectures/classes are finished, and just chilling/studying in the library. its kinda wierd, but a lot of my 'fond' memories from last year science, were these sorta things. i think its just a nice 'break' from the stress of lectures, and the hustle-bustle of having to commute home. today, after helping my friends int he library, i just sat around with jacky, whilst he was getting his laptop connected to the uni network, annd then i went to see his house place he was renting with his two flatmates. its actually a quite alright house! and his room is reasonably big for a unit. and main thing is its close to uni.
anways, i think the only problem with uni, is the 8-5 timetable. so tiring. this whole week, ive been sleeping at about 1030ish, since ive just been so tired. i think its the 6:00 wake up that is the hard part :P but i guess ill get used to it, cos ill most likely have this for at least the next couple of years. and its a good thing the whole of dentistry is together, we all get to suffer together hahahaa.
hmm okay, i should get back to my mgc notes, doing lecture summaries. haha. and im planning on going to uni early tomorrow as well to do them as well, so ill get back to it!
-peace out xD
dent has been going really good so far, got to go to the common room yesterday, cos it was pretty empty. played ping pong and a bit of pool hahaha. annd we also watched some of the olympics during on tv haha. yesterday we also had our first dtech (introduction to dental technology, dtech for short) lab, which was really good, because we got our first exposure to dental stuff, as opposed to all the textbook work. basically, we were introduced to all our tools, and their names/functions. annd then we had to soften a piece of baseplate wax (about 10cm2) and fold it in half, without trapping any air bubbles. i have a feeling i did mine a bit too quickly, cos i had a couple of air bubbles, but i managed to just heat up one of the instruments, and then melt/resurface the wax around the bubble. annd then we were told how to operate these special types of drills, one of the many id imagine, that we'll be using in dental practice.
today was all lectures, and then after the final lecture, stayed back in the library, because a couple of my friends needed help with some of the lecture content, so i was just helping them. its really cool in our science library, because we have white-board tables, so its well good for explaining stuff :D even though this is slightly strange, i realllly like the idea of just staying back after all the lectures/classes are finished, and just chilling/studying in the library. its kinda wierd, but a lot of my 'fond' memories from last year science, were these sorta things. i think its just a nice 'break' from the stress of lectures, and the hustle-bustle of having to commute home. today, after helping my friends int he library, i just sat around with jacky, whilst he was getting his laptop connected to the uni network, annd then i went to see his house place he was renting with his two flatmates. its actually a quite alright house! and his room is reasonably big for a unit. and main thing is its close to uni.
anways, i think the only problem with uni, is the 8-5 timetable. so tiring. this whole week, ive been sleeping at about 1030ish, since ive just been so tired. i think its the 6:00 wake up that is the hard part :P but i guess ill get used to it, cos ill most likely have this for at least the next couple of years. and its a good thing the whole of dentistry is together, we all get to suffer together hahahaa.
hmm okay, i should get back to my mgc notes, doing lecture summaries. haha. and im planning on going to uni early tomorrow as well to do them as well, so ill get back to it!
-peace out xD
Monday, 22 February 2010
so this is the one hundred and fiftieth post, which means im 15% of the way to achieving my life-time blogging goal, of having 1000 posts :D i think, by having 1000+ posts, you can truly say that you are a dedicated blogger. because if you think about it, if you post EVERDAY, then it would still take you just under three years to do; dedication? i think so :P so yes, this post is the 150th, and i reckon itll take me another three four years to get to 1000 hahaha. depends how often i post i suppose.
oo and yesterday, whilst i was cleaning up my desk area and drawers, i came to the sudden realisation that, I DONT HAVE TO DO MATHS ANYMORE!!! =D
not that there is anything wrong with maths, i just prefer to not do it hahaha. well apart from the odd unit or so ill probly come across in dentistry, i wont have to fully focus on maths every again (:
yeah i came across this thought of absolute amazement while i was creating a 'study zone' by getting rid of all the non-essential items from my drawers, annnd i came across my graphics calculators, and a couple of the scientific ones :P so yes! i am rather happy now (:
anyways, apart from being the 150th post, today was also my first day as a dentist-in-the-making. it was pretty good i reckon :D had a couple of lectures, and since i got exemption from one unit (cos of my science stuff i did last year) i didn't have to go for a lab this morning. annd my afternoon lecture was in ohcwa, so picked up some chilliz as we were walking up. the plan was to eat it in our 'oh-so-awesome' common room, but it was kinda packed, so we just ate outside in the verandha =D
but im thinking ill have to start taking packed lunches a couple of days a week, cos chilliz isn't exactly the healthiest option out there, and its soo tempting cos its so cheap hahaha. so yeah! that was the first day of dentistry :)
since it was just introductory stuff today, i knew all the stuff in the lectures so luckily i dont have much revision or study to do, ill just flick through a couple of chapters and then muck around for the rest of the night hahaha.
annnd it was soo cool meeting up with everyone in uni again! hadn't seen a lot of these ppl for 3 months or so, so was really good catching up with them all!
okay i think this is all for now,
ill should be able to post regularly now, since im back in the 'uni routine' lol

-peace out xD
so this is the one hundred and fiftieth post, which means im 15% of the way to achieving my life-time blogging goal, of having 1000 posts :D i think, by having 1000+ posts, you can truly say that you are a dedicated blogger. because if you think about it, if you post EVERDAY, then it would still take you just under three years to do; dedication? i think so :P so yes, this post is the 150th, and i reckon itll take me another three four years to get to 1000 hahaha. depends how often i post i suppose.
oo and yesterday, whilst i was cleaning up my desk area and drawers, i came to the sudden realisation that, I DONT HAVE TO DO MATHS ANYMORE!!! =D
not that there is anything wrong with maths, i just prefer to not do it hahaha. well apart from the odd unit or so ill probly come across in dentistry, i wont have to fully focus on maths every again (:
yeah i came across this thought of absolute amazement while i was creating a 'study zone' by getting rid of all the non-essential items from my drawers, annnd i came across my graphics calculators, and a couple of the scientific ones :P so yes! i am rather happy now (:
anyways, apart from being the 150th post, today was also my first day as a dentist-in-the-making. it was pretty good i reckon :D had a couple of lectures, and since i got exemption from one unit (cos of my science stuff i did last year) i didn't have to go for a lab this morning. annd my afternoon lecture was in ohcwa, so picked up some chilliz as we were walking up. the plan was to eat it in our 'oh-so-awesome' common room, but it was kinda packed, so we just ate outside in the verandha =D
but im thinking ill have to start taking packed lunches a couple of days a week, cos chilliz isn't exactly the healthiest option out there, and its soo tempting cos its so cheap hahaha. so yeah! that was the first day of dentistry :)
since it was just introductory stuff today, i knew all the stuff in the lectures so luckily i dont have much revision or study to do, ill just flick through a couple of chapters and then muck around for the rest of the night hahaha.
annnd it was soo cool meeting up with everyone in uni again! hadn't seen a lot of these ppl for 3 months or so, so was really good catching up with them all!
okay i think this is all for now,
ill should be able to post regularly now, since im back in the 'uni routine' lol
-peace out xD
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
today i had my orientation up at ohcwa, the oral health centre of western australia. its up near QEII hospital, and right next to the med/dent library which is really good. we basically walked around the centre, going through all the seperate areas where we would be spending our time over the next five years! was really really quite interesting :)
i found some random pics on the internet:
this is the outside:

this is the clincal area, where we work on patients and stuff:

anyways, its kinda wierd, but the foyer bit reminded me a LOT of the hospital in grey's anatomy.. like if anyone knows, in that hospital in the main foyer, there is a brige connecting the two different sides of the top floor, transversing the foyer. and in ohcwa, they have EXACLTY THE SAME THING :O and then to top it all off, in the hospital, they have a wall of windows on either side of the foyer, and they have the same thing in ohcwa :O !! so yeah, whenever i go there now ill think of greys anatomy, funny considering i dont actually watch the show.. only seen a few eipsodes here and there hahaha.
anyhow, after the ohcwa orientation, we went down to CHILLIZ (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for lunch. gosh hadnt been there for like 4 months, was soo good to go back. and the food is still CHEAP :)
anyways, didnt really do too much else today, just came home after chilliz cos i kinda got a sore throat, so hoepfully ill recover before uni starts next week.
annd i got my timetable today.. and it sucks as expected hahaha. 8-5 everyday. except for friday, i start at 9am. but then i also got credit for one of my units, so i dont go to the 3 hour lab scheduled for monday morning, so yeah i start at 11am :D woot. best way to start the week i suppose; i doubt even arts kids get that lol.
ooo. i must mention that the DENT COMMON ROOM KICKS ASS. seriously, its just plain awesome. couches, tables, microwaves, vending machine, ping pong, pool table, plasma, playstation.. the list goes on. and the room is quite big itself, not like some other common rooms ive been to *COUGH*med*COUGH* :P annnnd we are also getting an xbox and a fooseball table =D
okay thats all for now lol
-peace out xD
i found some random pics on the internet:
this is the outside:

this is the clincal area, where we work on patients and stuff:

anyways, its kinda wierd, but the foyer bit reminded me a LOT of the hospital in grey's anatomy.. like if anyone knows, in that hospital in the main foyer, there is a brige connecting the two different sides of the top floor, transversing the foyer. and in ohcwa, they have EXACLTY THE SAME THING :O and then to top it all off, in the hospital, they have a wall of windows on either side of the foyer, and they have the same thing in ohcwa :O !! so yeah, whenever i go there now ill think of greys anatomy, funny considering i dont actually watch the show.. only seen a few eipsodes here and there hahaha.
anyhow, after the ohcwa orientation, we went down to CHILLIZ (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for lunch. gosh hadnt been there for like 4 months, was soo good to go back. and the food is still CHEAP :)
anyways, didnt really do too much else today, just came home after chilliz cos i kinda got a sore throat, so hoepfully ill recover before uni starts next week.
annd i got my timetable today.. and it sucks as expected hahaha. 8-5 everyday. except for friday, i start at 9am. but then i also got credit for one of my units, so i dont go to the 3 hour lab scheduled for monday morning, so yeah i start at 11am :D woot. best way to start the week i suppose; i doubt even arts kids get that lol.
ooo. i must mention that the DENT COMMON ROOM KICKS ASS. seriously, its just plain awesome. couches, tables, microwaves, vending machine, ping pong, pool table, plasma, playstation.. the list goes on. and the room is quite big itself, not like some other common rooms ive been to *COUGH*med*COUGH* :P annnnd we are also getting an xbox and a fooseball table =D
okay thats all for now lol
-peace out xD
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
okay so where were we, oh yes just finished camp. by the time i got home it was about 4ish, so i ahd a shower and got all the dental stuff out of my hair and the bits that were stuck on my skin. annd then i was SO TIRED, but i decided to drag it on till atleast 10pm, otherwise id have waken up to early the next morning and screwed up my body clock even more haha. anyways, managed to drag on till 10pm, and then slept for like ten hours hahaha.
umm monday i had my o-quest at uni :) even though i already know my way around the uwa campus, i decided to go anyways, cos then atleast i could meet some mroe of the dent crew who were starting this year. funny thing was i ended up knowing my unimentor since i know so many second years. and i also knew more about campus than her which was good haha. anyways, after that just came home and chilled out.
okay now we come today which has been my lazy day at home. still recovering from the camp. annd i got a really sore throat which kinda sucks, so ive been eating a spoon of honey basically every two hours. it seems to be better now, but we'll see by tmr morning.
tmr goin to the dental school for orientation! should be really good.
okay thats all for nows.
-peace out xD
umm monday i had my o-quest at uni :) even though i already know my way around the uwa campus, i decided to go anyways, cos then atleast i could meet some mroe of the dent crew who were starting this year. funny thing was i ended up knowing my unimentor since i know so many second years. and i also knew more about campus than her which was good haha. anyways, after that just came home and chilled out.
okay now we come today which has been my lazy day at home. still recovering from the camp. annd i got a really sore throat which kinda sucks, so ive been eating a spoon of honey basically every two hours. it seems to be better now, but we'll see by tmr morning.
tmr goin to the dental school for orientation! should be really good.
okay thats all for nows.
-peace out xD
ok wow. havent posted for a while. WOOPS.
i think the lack of routine in the holidays screws up the whole posting routine, since each day's plan isnt set in stone like during the uni semester.
anyways, last thursday i made spinach and ricotta canelloni for dinner :)
it was actaully quite tasty hahaa. the only problem was when i was cooking it in the oven, the top 'half' kept dehydrating and i had to take it out and flip each canelloni roll thing. and then i had cheese which was on top, but yeah after several rotations in the oven the cheese was kinda all spread around the outside hahaha. ah well, it tasted really really good so thats good. and its nice to have it made 'fresh' from the freshly chopped spinach and basil and everything. i think that even though in a restaurant they make it fresh, making it yourself adds the special charm to it :D
anyway, on friday at about 11, i left for my med/dent fresher camp. the camp was organised by the med student society at uwa, for all the medical, dental, podiatric medicine and health science freshers. personally i think that the health science kids should have had thier camp with the science kids, because they dont share any units with med/dent/pod, but then because health science is under the same faculty, i guess thats why they were with us. anyhow, there were about 50-60 meds, only 7 dents, and like three pod med kids, and two health science kids. over the camp we did heaps of fun stuff. basic plan was activites during the day, and then partying during the night :D we didnt really sleep much, only about 4 hours over the two nights.. so yeah two hours each night ahahha.
the first day we got there, we did all the 'medical' related stuff, like phlebotomy and then taking dental impressions for dentures and stuff. we also had a chance to get our feet analysed by the higher year pod med students hahaha. then that night, we had a quiz thing, with these reallly hilarioud minigames in between each round. saturday mornign we went to the lake for a swim, and then had this challenge quest thing in the afternoon, where we had to try and complete as many challenges as we could off this long list we were given. we did the quiz night and challenge quest thing in groups which we were put at the start of camp. annd then saturday night we played boat races, and then just partyed the night away.
sunday was mostly uneventful, just lazed the morning awawy socialising with ppl hahaha. no wait, at the end of the camp, when we were taking the group photos, we were all standing/kneeling in position. and then they took a couple of pics, and then on the third pic, all the uni-leaders (who were higher years) threw all this dental-impression-gum-dissolved-in-water all over us. we were all on the ground, and the leaders were all on the platform behind us and yeah, they basically got everyone. it was quite hilarious really, and its gonna make for an AWESOME photo. but getting all the stuff off my tshirt was not very fun at all, spent about half an hour scrubbing away at my tshirt hahaha.
okay i have to go empty the dishwasher so ill be back later to keep posting.
i think the lack of routine in the holidays screws up the whole posting routine, since each day's plan isnt set in stone like during the uni semester.
anyways, last thursday i made spinach and ricotta canelloni for dinner :)
it was actaully quite tasty hahaa. the only problem was when i was cooking it in the oven, the top 'half' kept dehydrating and i had to take it out and flip each canelloni roll thing. and then i had cheese which was on top, but yeah after several rotations in the oven the cheese was kinda all spread around the outside hahaha. ah well, it tasted really really good so thats good. and its nice to have it made 'fresh' from the freshly chopped spinach and basil and everything. i think that even though in a restaurant they make it fresh, making it yourself adds the special charm to it :D
anyway, on friday at about 11, i left for my med/dent fresher camp. the camp was organised by the med student society at uwa, for all the medical, dental, podiatric medicine and health science freshers. personally i think that the health science kids should have had thier camp with the science kids, because they dont share any units with med/dent/pod, but then because health science is under the same faculty, i guess thats why they were with us. anyhow, there were about 50-60 meds, only 7 dents, and like three pod med kids, and two health science kids. over the camp we did heaps of fun stuff. basic plan was activites during the day, and then partying during the night :D we didnt really sleep much, only about 4 hours over the two nights.. so yeah two hours each night ahahha.
the first day we got there, we did all the 'medical' related stuff, like phlebotomy and then taking dental impressions for dentures and stuff. we also had a chance to get our feet analysed by the higher year pod med students hahaha. then that night, we had a quiz thing, with these reallly hilarioud minigames in between each round. saturday mornign we went to the lake for a swim, and then had this challenge quest thing in the afternoon, where we had to try and complete as many challenges as we could off this long list we were given. we did the quiz night and challenge quest thing in groups which we were put at the start of camp. annd then saturday night we played boat races, and then just partyed the night away.
sunday was mostly uneventful, just lazed the morning awawy socialising with ppl hahaha. no wait, at the end of the camp, when we were taking the group photos, we were all standing/kneeling in position. and then they took a couple of pics, and then on the third pic, all the uni-leaders (who were higher years) threw all this dental-impression-gum-dissolved-in-water all over us. we were all on the ground, and the leaders were all on the platform behind us and yeah, they basically got everyone. it was quite hilarious really, and its gonna make for an AWESOME photo. but getting all the stuff off my tshirt was not very fun at all, spent about half an hour scrubbing away at my tshirt hahaha.
okay i have to go empty the dishwasher so ill be back later to keep posting.
Monday, 8 February 2010
haven't posted in a while...
my apologies for my lack of post-age; havent posted in the last few days. the sole reason behind this is because... *drumroll*... I FINALLY INSTALLED THE SIMS THREE ON MY LAPTOP!!!!!!!!! WOOOOT yeah in case you don't know me, im obsessed with the sims.) anyhow, now that ive got it onto my laptop, ive been playing it pretty much non stop since i got it, which was on saturday night :D so yeah, ive basically not had a life for the past 48 hours =D i couldn'y play it on my old comp, cos my old comp was really really OLD. but now, since my laptop is all hip and stuff, it works great. anywas, my sim is currently an author, cos i read somewhere on the internet, that its an easy way to get rich, and i must agree with the internet ppls! soon ill be living in a mcmansion, and yeah, life will be good :D well, its already good so it can only get better. personally i think the sims three is quite good, in the sense it has the whole neighbourhood involved, not just the one plot. and the graphics are nothing short of ammazing :D hahaha. only problem is there is no PIANO :(. only a guitar, which is still better than nothing.
okay time for dinner, ill continue this post after.
okay time for dinner, ill continue this post after.
Friday, 5 February 2010
couldn't think of an imaginative post title, so yeah.
today was quite good :D went grocery shopping with mummy in the morning, and then ate lunch and watched the italian job on dvd in the arvo. annnd then i made dinner :) made pad-thai noodles. they turned out reasonable. i think i had too many noodles but :S because i think the noodle to sauce ratio was a bit too large in favour of the noodles.. but ah wells, after a few mouthfulls, it was yummy :D apart from that, just been lazing around at home, relaxing. sometimes its nice just to get away from it all and spend the day at home i think.
annnd yesterday was good as well, went into the city with amali and sonia. we just did some shopping, and ate lunch at this nice little jap/korean cafe place. i needed to get a sleeve for my laptop, so was pleased when i managed to find a suitable one :) annd then i also applied for my proof of age card, which means i can now go out to lounges and bars and stuff without having to take my passport which i don't really like doing :S
hmm what else.. ooo ive been listening to the new Owl City album: 'ocean eyes.' it is TRULY AWESOME! for the uninitiated, owl city is a one-man band thing which is mainly electronica type music. really really good. the songs are all so catchy and happy and nice. and its nice to listen to since its so uplifting and stuff, annnd it doesn't get repetitive or anything since each track is quite different. i recommend: hot air balloon, dental care, on the wing and fireflies. the vid clip for fireflies is also worth watching-extremely imaginative i think. my favourite is probably hot air balloon, since i really like the background glockenspiel(?) beat thing. if you listen to it, you'll see what im talking about :P and just a note, please for the sake of this type of music, use a headset or good quality external speakers when you listen to it, because otherwise you'll miss half the important stuff.
this is hot air balloon.
and since im biased towards dental stuff i just HAD to post dental care :P
okkay i think thats all for nows.
no wait. i wont feel that this post is complete without the fireflies vid clip (:
okay this particular clip is quite good quality, so i recommend putting it full screen, and sitting back into your chair and listening/watching
okay thats all now. haha.
-peace out xD
today was quite good :D went grocery shopping with mummy in the morning, and then ate lunch and watched the italian job on dvd in the arvo. annnd then i made dinner :) made pad-thai noodles. they turned out reasonable. i think i had too many noodles but :S because i think the noodle to sauce ratio was a bit too large in favour of the noodles.. but ah wells, after a few mouthfulls, it was yummy :D apart from that, just been lazing around at home, relaxing. sometimes its nice just to get away from it all and spend the day at home i think.
annnd yesterday was good as well, went into the city with amali and sonia. we just did some shopping, and ate lunch at this nice little jap/korean cafe place. i needed to get a sleeve for my laptop, so was pleased when i managed to find a suitable one :) annd then i also applied for my proof of age card, which means i can now go out to lounges and bars and stuff without having to take my passport which i don't really like doing :S
hmm what else.. ooo ive been listening to the new Owl City album: 'ocean eyes.' it is TRULY AWESOME! for the uninitiated, owl city is a one-man band thing which is mainly electronica type music. really really good. the songs are all so catchy and happy and nice. and its nice to listen to since its so uplifting and stuff, annnd it doesn't get repetitive or anything since each track is quite different. i recommend: hot air balloon, dental care, on the wing and fireflies. the vid clip for fireflies is also worth watching-extremely imaginative i think. my favourite is probably hot air balloon, since i really like the background glockenspiel(?) beat thing. if you listen to it, you'll see what im talking about :P and just a note, please for the sake of this type of music, use a headset or good quality external speakers when you listen to it, because otherwise you'll miss half the important stuff.
this is hot air balloon.
and since im biased towards dental stuff i just HAD to post dental care :P
okkay i think thats all for nows.
no wait. i wont feel that this post is complete without the fireflies vid clip (:
okay this particular clip is quite good quality, so i recommend putting it full screen, and sitting back into your chair and listening/watching
okay thats all now. haha.
-peace out xD
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
new pic!!
i decided to update my blog pic with something from my trip, so there we have it, the courtyard of the palais royal musée du louvre =D took the pic on my camera phone, and unfortunately the night time pic-taking isnt as great as the daytime photos, but ah wells. i think its a bit big, but i'll leave it as it for a couple of days, and if its still bugging me, ill upload a smaller version..but i think its just because im used to the small pic which i had previously.
anyhow, today has been uneventful as per usual. just played ddr this morning, aand watched the DaVinci Code, and then made pasta for lunch. actually watching the davinci code was really good cos i could recognize lots of the places in paris where the film was shot. not just the louvre and stuff, but lotsa other places as well =D and then yeah just on msn and editing my blog. when i was uploading the new pic i accidentally converted my template to the old one, so had to re-do the whole thing :S
and yeah i think thats all for now.
-peace out xD
anyhow, today has been uneventful as per usual. just played ddr this morning, aand watched the DaVinci Code, and then made pasta for lunch. actually watching the davinci code was really good cos i could recognize lots of the places in paris where the film was shot. not just the louvre and stuff, but lotsa other places as well =D and then yeah just on msn and editing my blog. when i was uploading the new pic i accidentally converted my template to the old one, so had to re-do the whole thing :S
and yeah i think thats all for now.
-peace out xD
Monday, 1 February 2010
long time!
hii ppls! havent been able to post for AGES since ive been away for the last month =D
went to the the uk, and paris :D went mainly to london, but then also went for a bit of a road trip up to nottingham, and sheffield, for a couple of nights at each place. and then was in paris for four nights/three full days.
our road trip around england was really really good! it started snowing in nottingham and by the time we reached sheffield, it was REALLY snowy, about 30cm or so :D
this is nottingham, the morning after. the snow started falling the night before :)

aannd this is sheffield, which was under a good 30cm atleast of snow.

anyways, the snow was good fun, managed to make a snowman :D

anyways, apart from the snow, london was pretty fun as well :D didn't do THAT much sightseeing because i've done most of it on earlier trips :P meeting up with all the family was good fun :D seriously the number of ppl who share my last name on my fb account has gone up a LOT! hahaha. good thing everyone has fb and stuff now, easy to keep in contact xD
annnd then paris was great as expected :P really really good. and the best thing was that the eurostar on the way there didn't break down in the tunnel :P in the week before, the train stopped in the tunnel on two separate trips, cos the snow was causing a malfunction somewhere. but luckily for us, it turned out okay and we got through without any hassle. the north of france was kinda snowy as well, but then considering the WHOLE of the great britain was under a sheet of snow the week before, it would make sense.

anyhow, the weather in paris was really nice, so managed to get alot of sightseeing again. wont upload any pics of anything, cos i was EXTREMELY snap happy in paris, so cbb sorting through all the pics to find the best ones to upload. anyways, over the three four days we were there, we did this: sacré cœur (on the night we came, nice view over the whole of paris during twilight, all the lights and stuff :p), musée du Louvre, champs elysees & arc de triomphe, eiffel tower, musée d'orsay, sacré cœur (again, but this was during the MORNING =D), and then notre dame! so yeah, got lots done :D my fav was definitely the musée du louvre, was really nice architecture, and also the painting and stuff were amazing as well. annnnd i got have a photo with the mona lisa :P haha.
in other news, i got into DENTISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay me. im kinda still shocked as to how i managed to pull this one off and get admission :P there were about 200-300ish non-standard applicants this year(or so i was told..), and they only offered ten seats for non-standard applicants, and somehow i managed to get an offer for one of those seats :P so i guess whoever is 'up there' must have done some fine orchestration to get me in :P either that or its just written. lol.
okay i think ill stop rambling on now, hoepfully will be able to get back into the posting habit :D
-peace out xD
went to the the uk, and paris :D went mainly to london, but then also went for a bit of a road trip up to nottingham, and sheffield, for a couple of nights at each place. and then was in paris for four nights/three full days.
our road trip around england was really really good! it started snowing in nottingham and by the time we reached sheffield, it was REALLY snowy, about 30cm or so :D
this is nottingham, the morning after. the snow started falling the night before :)
aannd this is sheffield, which was under a good 30cm atleast of snow.
anyways, the snow was good fun, managed to make a snowman :D
anyways, apart from the snow, london was pretty fun as well :D didn't do THAT much sightseeing because i've done most of it on earlier trips :P meeting up with all the family was good fun :D seriously the number of ppl who share my last name on my fb account has gone up a LOT! hahaha. good thing everyone has fb and stuff now, easy to keep in contact xD
annnd then paris was great as expected :P really really good. and the best thing was that the eurostar on the way there didn't break down in the tunnel :P in the week before, the train stopped in the tunnel on two separate trips, cos the snow was causing a malfunction somewhere. but luckily for us, it turned out okay and we got through without any hassle. the north of france was kinda snowy as well, but then considering the WHOLE of the great britain was under a sheet of snow the week before, it would make sense.
anyhow, the weather in paris was really nice, so managed to get alot of sightseeing again. wont upload any pics of anything, cos i was EXTREMELY snap happy in paris, so cbb sorting through all the pics to find the best ones to upload. anyways, over the three four days we were there, we did this: sacré cœur (on the night we came, nice view over the whole of paris during twilight, all the lights and stuff :p), musée du Louvre, champs elysees & arc de triomphe, eiffel tower, musée d'orsay, sacré cœur (again, but this was during the MORNING =D), and then notre dame! so yeah, got lots done :D my fav was definitely the musée du louvre, was really nice architecture, and also the painting and stuff were amazing as well. annnnd i got have a photo with the mona lisa :P haha.
in other news, i got into DENTISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay me. im kinda still shocked as to how i managed to pull this one off and get admission :P there were about 200-300ish non-standard applicants this year(or so i was told..), and they only offered ten seats for non-standard applicants, and somehow i managed to get an offer for one of those seats :P so i guess whoever is 'up there' must have done some fine orchestration to get me in :P either that or its just written. lol.
okay i think ill stop rambling on now, hoepfully will be able to get back into the posting habit :D
-peace out xD
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