havent posted for a few days because ive been so caught up in all my uni work. had to write up a lab report, and then also had to do do a chem quiz. the lab report was pretty gay. as in, it took agggeeesss to do. was up till 2am this morning finishing it off..then at uni was UBER tired. skipped my arcy lect in the arvo and came home instd cause i was too tired haha. dont tell the parentals :P
anyways, apart from the lab report things are mostly good... ooo we made ice cream in chem lect on monday, yesterday! hahaha/ basically we had milk and cream and sugar and stuff and then we added liquid nitrogen to it to supercool it.was so awesome, like instant ice cream. i took some pics :)
we all got to take some ice cream in our little cup things,and was gonna take a pic, but then it was sorta melting quite quickly so had to eat up :P hahaha, turned out pretty nice actually, cept it wasn't sweet enough for my liking. so yeah, instant ice cream!! hahaha.
umm not much else cool has happened..just usual work and stuff. umm im working on a new pic for the blog thingy above so it might change over the course of the next few days :D
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