but yeaah im happy now.. cause they turned out to be really really god so i thoroughly recommend to anyone who is reading this to buy IN EAR headphones. they are soo awesome cause they sorta block out all the external noise, so you can 1. keep the volume soft so you dont kill your ears and conserve battery power, and 2. you can actually hear BASS without having to turn it up really loud. okk i think i shall stop ranting on about in-ear headphones even they are so awesome and i thoroughly recommend them. okay i will stop being a earphone marketer NOW.
umm.. today was good..otherwise.. besides the awesome headphone arrival haha.had uni, and usual stuff. i was up till 2am this morning watching the big bang theory.. so waking up at 650 in the morning was a bit annoying. but i let myself 'sleep in' till 7:00 hahaha. then had to rush around a bit and get to the bus stop. OHH> my smart rider stopped working today..soo random. well i used the bus to get to the station, then and then the train into the city. and then when i was boarding the bus to uni it started flashing the little red light thingy. i was like WTF. cause i had just used it like 5mins before to get on the train. anyhow.. managed to score a free ride cause the bus driver checked that i had heaps of credits on my smartrider so i wasnt being a cheapo hahaa.anyways.. for lunch we deiced to go upto chilliz and took the bus, again it wasnt working. but then on the way home from uni it miraculously started working again.. i think i must've forgottedn to tag-off somewhere./ but i dno how cause to get out of the train station i gotta get through these gate thingies.. and i managed ot get through lol :P cause it came up with some default fair paid thing.. and the light was orange.. but eehh it fixed itself in the end.. managed to get home without any troubles which was good :D
ohh and i also got my archy paper back. soo annoyed. he marked really harshly for some unkown reason. but then it can only get better from here, so yeaah fingers crossed it will all be okay in the end.
hmm i think thats all for nows.
peace out xD
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